Edel on demand

Hunger for distinquishing turf? Or a unique item in your landscaping grass collection? Edel Grass is the specialist to co-design your product with.

Our grass systems engineering team and the extensive Edel Grass yarn portfolio are key in constructing the right product. We create and produce them to your specific needs. Exclusively for you, so you won’t find it anywhere else.

Send your enquiry today and try our ‘Edel On Demand’ service!

  • Designed to your needs
  • On-demand produced to order
  • Exclusively for you
  • EU Quality yarns
  • Made in the Netherlands
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A unique and distinguishing grass starts with Hi…

Do you want to examine our solutions in creating a unique grass for you or do you want to replace or realize your new garden with Edel Grass? Just start with hello.

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    For urgent matters or in case of any questions please contact us via info@edelgrass.com or call +31 385 425 00 50