Currently two artificial hockey fields are renovated at HCR (Hockey Club Rotterdam). Field 1 and 2 were totally worn off and reached their lifespan. Client ‘Sportbedrijf Rotterdam’ chose for Edel Grass’ constructing partner in The Netherlands Antea Sport to carry out the renovation. Field 1 will become available for use as we speak. Floor Groeneveldt, project leader at Antea Sport, explains about the renovation. The old field was also a water based pitch. The artificial top layer and foampad sub-base were attached together as one. Therefore the complete field structure was removed and removed by Sportbedrijf Rotterdam. On the existing asphalt base, new clamp gutters were installed and a new e-layer was laid. On top of the e-layer an Edel ID hockey turf was installed. Around the field the old wooden boards were replaced by plastic boards, made out of recycled artificial grass.

Start second field

During negociations with the client and HCR, next week the renovation of the second field will start. This field will also be built with the Edel ID hockey turf on an e-layer. An exact copy of field one. Floor Groeneveldt of Antea Sport is targetting for delivery on June 2, 2019, as both fields are needed to play on during the veterans EK masters tournament taking place from July 21-27, 2019.

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